Tom Snyder My name is Tom Snyder and I appreciate the art of coding. I have a diverse spectrum of programming experience encompassing mobile, web, cloud and mainframe.
I have over 20 years experience as a software developer in various environments and hold certifications in Java from Sun and PHP from Zend. Prior to software development, I have worked as a Hardware Engineer at Intel. I am a proud Veteran Submariner of the United States Navy aboard the USS Whale SSN638.
I am an author of Extract, Transform and Load with SQL Server Integration Services with co-author Vedish Shah, which demonstrates how SSIS can be used with any database.
I am also the best-selling author of Advanced Integrated RPG, which covers the latest programming techniques for rpg ile and java to utilize open-source technologies. you can see some of my articles online at MC Press Online
Originally from and currently residing in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I am currently involved in a Mobile Application Start-up company with my family named KrakenMobi.

Experienced in the following Web Frameworks


Sun Certified Java Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 and has been working with Java since 2000.
Zend Certified PHP 5.3 Engineer and has been working with PHP since 1999.
Azure Certified by Microsoft, building application services in the cloud to support mobile applications.

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