iOS Cheat Sheet

January 19, 2022
Common iOS operations

Show Hidden Files in Finder


iOS System Icons

How do I know what images are available using systemName?
Image(systemName: "map")
View the Symbols:
Use the free tool:

Create a Playground in Xcode

In Xcode 12, creating a playground isn't as obvious as it used to be.
To create a new playground, when Xcode opens, File | New | Playground
Select Blank and you're ready to go.

Creating a password protected zip file on a Mac

Open up terminal and execute the following command: zip -er MyFileToCompress.pdf
You will be prompted for the password after hitting enter.
The should be changed to your expected zip file being created.
The MyFileToCompress.pdf could be a folder or a group of files. Anything you want included in the zip.

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